Northwest Bible Church – Dallas, Texas

Psalm 112

 Blessed is the man who fears the Lord,

who finds great delight in his commands.

 His children will be honored everywhere;

for good men’s children have a special heritage..

 Wealth and riches are in his house,

and his good deeds will never be forgotten.

 When darkness overtakes him, light will come bursting in.

He is kind and merciful – and all goes well for

the generous man who conducts his business fairly.

 Such a man will not be overthrown by evil circumstances;

He will have no fear of bad news nor live in dread of what may happen;

God’s constant care of him will make a deep impression

on all who see it.

 That is why he is not afraid,

but can calmly face his foes.

 He has scattered abroad his gifts to the poor,

his righteousness endures forever;

he shall have influence and honor.

 I could not have found a better description of Dad.  For all of you who knew him you will recognize him in these verses.  He feared the Lord and did so with delight – an infectious delight that was as disarming as it was discerning.

His children do have a special heritage and so do you.  Each one of us here had a special and unique relationship with him.  There could be no better illustration of his love of the eclectic and unusual.

He used his wealth instead of it using him.  He taught his family that an older woman serving as a waitress was not there as her first choice.  He taught us that gifts given to the poor were pleasing to God. He showed us the joy of timely gifts in the lives of all people – especially the young.  His favorite horn was the trombone – not his own trumpet.

He taught us what it was to conduct a business with integrity and to turn down easy opportunities for great gain because it would require trading on relationships. He taught us what it meant to give your word even at great cost.

He taught all of us what it meant not to dread the future and to live without fear of painful circumstances.  He deeply impressed upon all of us the abiding reality of God’s constant care.

His righteousness will endure.  His influence will continue for generations.  He will be remembered…and that is what we are all here to do today.  On behalf of the family I welcome you to a service of remembrance and gratitude for the life of Fred Smith.