
  • Talks

    The Present and Future of Religious Giving

    The topic of “religious giving” is far too broad for my limited perspective and experience so I would ask your permission to allow me to focus on a particular area of religious giving.  It is where I spend my time and about which I have thought the most:  Protestant Evangelical giving. And if I have your permission to focus there, then I would like to push even a little further and limit it to two general areas – but the areas where I think the bulk of giving occurs:  the local congregation and parachurch organizations. As you probably know, half of all philanthropy in this country is directed to and…

  • Talks

    Ten Steps To A Successful Giving Group

    “Listen carefully to what I am saying – and be wary of the shrewd advice that tells you how to get ahead in the world on your own.  Giving, not getting, is the way.  Generosity begets generosity.  Stinginess impoverishes.”  Mark 4:24-25 The basis for giving groups is two fold:  First, a genuine desire to become a joyful giver and, second, an openness to doing that not alone but as a part of a group.  If the motivation is to merely leverage then it will not work.  If the motivation is to control those with whom you give or those who receive then it will not work.  It will work and…