Fred's Blog
The One That Got Away
For years I have been a fan of those able to take concepts from different periods of history, various disciplines, and skills to help people translate all of that into ideas that can be applied to their own circumstances. Too often we think information needs to be taught in the specific dialect of the audience. Lawyers only learn from lawyers; educators from professors, ministers from theologians. A relative few have mastered the art of learning from everyone because they have an internal translator that makes virtually everything they read and hear applicable to their situation. They learn from everyone. I forget how rare that is and was reminded this week…
Soft on Sin
What the heck was Jonah’s problem with Nineveh? The same problem as the older brother in the parable of the prodigal son. The same problem as Job and Jeremiah and David. In fact, the same problem all of us have. How can God be inconsistent? How can he be soft toward the rebellious and so strict with those of us who try so hard to do what is right? We need Psalm 37 to be true. We need to know that in the end the wicked will get their due and we will get ours. We need to know God does not have a double standard and that he is…
Stop the Steal
Rebellions do not happen overnight. After years, there is always a tipping point in either an event or a moment that precipitates them. We talk about the beginnings of the American Revolution and we know it was not simply the Boston Tea Party or the Boston Massacre, but the years of resentment over the taxes Britain imposed to maintain their troops after the French-Indian War and to increase revenue for a Parliament strapped for cash by an exploding national debt. There was a twelve-year buildup to the American Revolution. It is true for David’s son, Absalom’s rebellion as well. Look at the numbers: After the rape of his sister Tamar…
Same Kind of Different
In that same interview mentioned in the blog last week the question was asked, “What is the state of what some of us call Big Philanthropy in America.” Big is usually relative, isn’t it? Not only that but bigness always faces challenges that are new. For generations in this country there were relatively few big churches. Even now, the average church size is around 100 attending. When we began Leadership Network in 1985 to focus on the growing phenomenon of large churches we could find only about 300 churches with a weekly attendance of 1,000 or more and today there are likely over 3,000 megachurches. While the issues of the…
George and Jesus
A few weeks ago I did an interview and while much of it was on philanthropy the questions ranged across a number of topics. This first question was a good one. Does religion still have a place in what some used to call “the public square”? Yes, of course. However, it will be (and should be) what we have long referred to as “civil religion” and not a particular brand of religion. It has always been a combination of commonly held beliefs, symbols and rituals that have served as a national religion with its own sacred places and ceremonies. Truthfully, we want that. The question about religion and its influence…
The Art of Destruction
In 1887, four people in Denver imagined a plan for working together in new ways to make Denver a better place. They founded a small organization to benefit 10 area health and welfare agencies while raising $21,700 that first year. That idea became the first United Way and the movement has since raised and distributed billions of dollars across the world. In an an effort to improve the way the Cleveland Trust Company did business, the company’s president, Frederick H. Goff, established in Ohio in 1914 the world’s first community foundation, The Cleveland Foundation. He combined a number of trusts managed by the bank into a single organization. The foundation…
More Than Enough
My wife, Carol, was sleeping in the passenger seat as we drove past the exit sign for Tyler, Texas. It was 1977 and we were on our way to Boston from Dallas. Never having been to Tyler we knew no one there but out of nowhere and for no reason I said, “Lord, send me to Tyler.” Through a series of connections and circumstances we found ourselves seven years later driving toward Tyler again but this time we took the exit and have been here ever since. It’s our place to which we are called. We’ve never doubted that and this was long before reading this passage in “Jayber Crow”…
The Edge of the Inside
Good day, friends. I am writing to let you know my new book is out and is available on Amazon. In a way, it is the result of 40 years of teaching Sunday School. However, it should not take nearly that long to read. It is my take on characters, stories, and themes in Scripture. You can pick and choose what looks interesting to you. These are my thoughts as one who lives on the edge of the inside. The teacher, while not an insider, loves those on the inside while keeping a foot on the outside. We do our best work by remaining just on the edge of the…
The Time is Right
A dozen years ago I was asked by a friend if I would consider sharing what I am thinking: “People are curious about why you think the way you do.” Whether it was false humility, fear, or an aversion to being put in a box, I declined. Two years later, I changed my mind when I remembered the old saying that you don’t know what you think until you have written it down. It was not out of a desire to share that I started writing a weekly blog but, selfishly perhaps, a desire to know for myself what I thought. Just as Thoreau went to the woods to live…
Worth the Work
Years ago, a friend made a large donation to help a new organization get started. The founder was an acquaintance and not only persuasive but passionate about the new organization being able to meet a social need not being addressed in the community. The venture failed within two years and ended badly for everyone. I told him he had paid his “dumb tax” on giving. We all pay it either early on – like him – or later. It always comes when we venture into areas about which we know very little and, typically, with people we do not know well. The tax tends to decrease with experience but I’ve…