Romans 13:8-14
Again, if it were not for the insertion of chapters and verses we would read this without even pausing from verse 6. We are to pay everything that is due from us as citizens – regardless of whether we feel it is fair. We are not to be foolish about it since we have the options of tax deductions, offsets, exclusions and other perfectly legal means to reduce the burden but, in the end, we are to pay our debts to the government. Whatever we legitimately owe we are to pay and not be constantly figuring ways to off load our rightful debt to others without the means or knowledge.…
Romans 13:1-7
It is easy to see this as a whole new topic for Paul but it is not. It was not a new chapter when he wrote it. As you know, chapters and verses were only added later in the 15th century so there would have been no separation between 12:21 and 13:1. In fact, it is good to read 12:17 through 13:7 as a single passage because there is really no interruption between Paul’s addressing how we are to deal with evil and the role of government and authorities. The governing authorities are one of God’s ways of our living in peace and dealing with evil. We are not to…
Romans 12:9-21
We finished our study of the several gifts last week and, hopefully, you will remember what Paul makes clear every time he gets the chance. These gifts are not for personal fulfillment or satisfaction. In fact, if they are used in that way they will likely be misused – if not become harmful. They are for the strengthening of the body and not for the personal development of the believer. In the exact same way, the passage for this morning should be read. These are not moral maxims like something from Confucius or Marcus Aurelius or Benjamin Franklin. They are not to be taken as common sense principles by which…
Romans 12:8
1. I should have begun last week with a little more explanation of spiritual gifts and not just jumped into the particular gifts Paul discusses in Romans 12. So let me do that now and then we will look at the remaining four gifts in this passage: encouragement, giving, leadership, and mercy. First, the spiritual gifts are given for the sole purpose of building up the Body of Christ. They are not given for the purpose of growing an individual. “Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.” I Corinthians 12:7. “It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be…
Romans 12:1-7
Paul is the master of the word “therefore” and here is an example of that. In Chapter 11 he concludes his argument that God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable and that all of Israel will be saved due to God’s love for and covenant with the patriarchs. That ends with a beautiful doxology about the unsearchable and inexplicable wisdom and knowledge of God. “Who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been his counselor? For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen.” “Therefore, do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but…
Romans 9-11: All Israel Will Be Saved
I want to begin in the middle of the text this morning. Sometimes we wonder why all this theology and doctrine is important. Can’t we just skip to the life application parts? Why not make things simple and not complicated? Isn’t it enough to be saved and then live a decent life? Romans 10:9 says “That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.” Or, in Acts 16:30-31 we…
Romans 8:28-39 More Than Conquerors
1. There are two levels to this passage. One, the very particular way in which Paul was addressing the Christians in Rome and, second, its application for us this morning. The original context is important. It is part of the preceding passage where Paul says, “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will.” In accordance with God’s will. That is important…
Romans 8:18-27 Future Glory
This is the time of year when thousands of people are making predictions about the next year. Investment advisors, futurists, books about the future and innumerable articles will be written about what to expect in 2016. There is something about the future that draws us in. We want to imagine we can know what is going to happen in the next 12 months. We are fascinated about all the possible changes, disruptions and novelties that will fill our minds and attention. But, sadly, except for those who are interested in the fulfillment of prophecies and the end of the world, there are very few Christians, myself included, who meditate on…
Romans 7-8
1. In Romans 7, Paul is addressing two sets of believers. He is speaking to Gentiles who have made their own moral law the standard for being good and accepted by God. But, he is also addressing Jewish believers who have been under pressure to stay inside the Law. It is difficult for us to understand because I am not sure there is a similar situation for us. When they gave up The Law they were giving up much more than a set of rules and regulations. They were handing over their whole identity and becoming outcasts and people without a country. They were traitors to everything they knew. Dietrich…
Romans 6:8-23
1. Last week we talked about our moving permanently as refugees from one kingdom to another. “There is only one requirement and that is accepting the free gift of Christ and we are instantly, completely and irrevocably new citizens of the kingdom of life. We have given up our old identity, handed over our passport and begun a new life. There is no such thing as dual citizenship. There is no such thing as deportation. There is no such thing as extradition because God has no treaty with Death. There is no way in the world to give up our citizenship or to return to that land from which we…