• Fred's Blog

    An Anguished Apostasy

    When Bob Dylan stepped on the Newport Folk Festival stage in July 1965 there was nothing in his last three appearances that could have prepared the 100,000 devout fans for what happened next. Instead of his usual acoustic guitar and denim work clothes, he was outfitted completely in black and then plugged in an electric guitar. What followed was a moment that marked the end of the folk revival by the performer everyone considered the voice belonging to them all. The introduction that night was, “And here he is…take him, you know him, he’s yours.” If they had only known what was coming. With the Butterfield Blues Band behind him…

  • Bible Studies

    Proverbs 3:21-35

    We need to remind ourselves every week of two important things in the study of Proverbs: First, these are the instructions from a father to a son about the son’s eventual role in leadership.  They are not simply rules for a happy life.  They are part of his training for responsibility and we should not read them without our own increased responsibility in mind.  Again, all of this life is an apprenticeship for what is to come.  We are being prepared. Second, these are principles and not promises. The author is not a prosperity preacher telling us how to avoid hardship or the normal circumstances of life.  They will not…

  • Bible Studies

    Proverbs 3

    We need to be careful when we read Proverbs out of context and pick only the verses that promise us wealth, success, and a blessed life.  That is the trap of the prosperity gospel.  They lift Proverbs out of context and do not preach the whole Gospel. Too often we have turned Scripture into something that reads more like Ben Franklin’s “Poor Richard’s Almanac.” Remember when Paul encountered the believers in Ephesus and they had only heard the gospel of John and repentance but not the gospel of the resurrection?  They had ethics but not spiritual power.  They had a church that valued the benefits of John’s example and stern…

  • Fred's Blog

    A Friend’s Revenge

    There are a few figures in Scripture who grow on you with age. Perhaps we come to understand their circumstances or have more in common in growing older. We have experiences of our own that explain their behavior.  That is the case for me with Ahithophel. My first response to his story many years ago was, “Oh, the traitor who committed suicide.” Yes, he did but he was far more than that and it’s the “far more” that interests me. When Absalom rebels his first call is to Ahithophel – David’s most devout friend and counselor. Surprisingly, Ahithophel joins the rebellion and while fleeing Jerusalem David hears the news of…

  • Bible Studies

    Proverbs 1

    1.What is the purpose of the book?  It is not a list of sayings or quotes to be turned into bumper stickers or quoted as magic phrases to be repeated that will guarantee success in business, raising children, marriage and life. It is a father passing on the character traits and disciplines required to rule. It is a manual for learning how to bear responsibility for other people – not just individual development.  It is a father personally teaching sons and not simply handing them a book of wise sayings.  What are the proverbs you remember from your father and mother? My guess is they have stuck with you far…

  • Fred's Blog

    Signs of Jonah

    A friend mentioned he is re-reading Graham Greene’s “The Power and The Glory.” It’s the story of a failed priest on the run from the police. He is friendless, homeless, and searching for some sense of purpose in his life. Hiding from his calling and decisions he has made in the past he is ironically incapable of not being a priest and ministering to people – even at the risk of his life. Tormented by his own sense of guilt, he spends the whole of the novel both in flight and in pursuit. It is so much like the life of Jonah. I don’t know if Graham Greene had him…