• Bible Studies

    Luke 9:1-50

    1.  The Sending of the Twelve: For me, this is one of the most encouraging stories in Scripture. They are given authority and limited power with very little preparation. They did not earn this. They barely understood what he was talking about. They were in no way ready for it and yet he sent them out. Maybe it was not a matter of trusting them (because they proved untrustworthy or incapable) but of trusting God with them. He sent them in spite of the flaws and did not wait for them to be ready. They were sent to preach something they did not understand. How often I feel that way…

  • Fred's Blog

    Running On Empty

      I love Jackson Browne's music ” and yet there are times when I don't want to hear one more song about how hard life on the road is for rock stars.  Yes” it's lonely. And yes it's a grind. And yes home is so much better. But really ” how bad can it be?  Rock stars enjoy a great lifestyle with loads of recognition and adoration – and not a bad annual income. Believe it or not”  it's sometimes the same with people in our business.  We could probably write some hits about the stress of reading grants the isolation you feel and the constant pressure to make grants that…

  • Fred's Blog

    Working With Foundations

      If you work with foundations you have no doubt received calls or notes  from people asking if you know  foundations that support particular causes. Because of my role with The Gathering I get my share. Typically I try to explain having a list of foundations to contact isn't all that helpful. For one the descriptions of what they fund are often not current or not accurate and second ” so many decisions are made based on  relationships and many other intangibles. (If you have a foundation you should go online to the Foundation Center  (www.foundationcenter.org )  and see how your interests are described). Some time ago” I received a note…

  • Fred's Blog

    Aging Boomers and Millennials

      I've been re-reading a couple of books (Generations: The History of America’s Future for one)  by William Strauss and Neil Howe as a result of seeing several posts on Facebook about the uneasy relationship between Millennials religion and politics. This book was published in 1991 and because I was born in 1946 I especially like the sections on the relationship between Boomers and Millennials.   The description of Boomers as they age is not flattering.  The authors see us as tending toward people who will  “grow increasingly pompous intolerant uncompromising snoopy and exacting of others.”  Not only that but we will likely be “an ascetic elder glowering down from Sinai looking…

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  • Fred's Blog

    Donor Perks

    There are two instances in Luke’s writings where Roman centurions get special treatment for being good people.  The first is the Roman centurion in Luke whose valued servant is ill and the second is Cornelius in Acts who had a vision of an angel telling him to bring Peter to his home.  For both ” they had earned a reputation of being godly men whose gifts to Jews had been generous.  It’s the first Centurion who interests me the most for a couple of reasons. First” it seems he sends some elders of the Jews to make his case to Jesus.  As they describe it to Jesus he is a…

  • Bible Studies

    Luke 7-8

    1.  Three stories of faith…but faith is not always required. The Gadarene Demoniac: Luke 8:26-39 The widow with the dead son: Luke 7:11-17 Crippled Woman: Luke 13:10-13 But in these cases there are three expressions of faith. The faith of the centurion – Luke 7:1-10. This is a man who deserves a miracle for all the good he has done. I think he might have sent the lobbyists at first and then changed his mind. It is not unlike the story of Peter and Cornelius in Acts. His faith is based in humility and an understanding of the authority of Jesus. What’s surprising to me is Jesus’ response. He does…

  • Fred's Blog

    I Have The Gift Of Giving

      I have been given the gift of giving.  It’s not something to brag about or take pride in.  It’s not like I worked to get it or ever really paid much attention to it. Ever since I was a kid I have loved seeing what money can do – especially when it fits neatly into an opportunity.  Not when I was young  but when I was in my 50’s I became so interested in how to use it that I had a friend do an analysis of what it is about giving that makes me enjoy it.  I was curious about those things that gave me a special satisfaction.  In…

  • Fred's Blog

    The Immigrant Advantage

      Several years ago our local Chamber of Commerce brought in a renowned demographer to talk with a large group of business and civic leaders about the future impact of immigration (legal and illegal) on our community of 100 000 people.  “Your community will soon experience the full force of a tsunami of brown young unemployed fertile sometimes violent non-English speaking immigrants from the South. It is going to affect every institution and as it has everywhere else the economic resources of your city and region.”  I raised my hand and asked him if he thought there were any opportunities or should we all move to Switzerland and wait it…

  • Fred's Blog

    Why Google Isn’t Making Us Stupid – or Smart

    I enjoy being overwhelmed by large numbers – especially about information.  Knowing that last year the world’s information base is estimated to have doubled every eleven hours doesn’t keep me awake.  I get relaxed by reading that 300 billion emails 200 million tweets ” and 2.5 billion text messages course through our digital networks every day.  I know it bothers some of my friends – but mostly those who wonder how they are going to keep up with all of it. Who are they kidding?  The glut of information is not only unprecedented but completely out of control. Links have replaced learning and we are all headed toward the abyss…

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  • Fred's Blog


    My mother died in 2004 and my father passed away in 2007.  It was not sudden or tragic but the end of a long life for each of them.  Dad had been sick for several years and my mother had died from Parkinson’s three years before so it was not unexpected.  Friends had told me that each of the children would grieve in particular ways and there was nothing that could predict how that grief would affect us.  There are undoubtedly some principles of grief and some common patterns we can read about in books but our friends were right.  Each of the three children had their own relationship with…