• Fred's Blog

    Donor Perks

    There are two instances in Luke’s writings where Roman centurions get special treatment for being good people.  The first is the Roman centurion in Luke whose valued servant is ill and the second is Cornelius in Acts who had a vision of an angel telling him to bring Peter to his home.  For both ” they had earned a reputation of being godly men whose gifts to Jews had been generous.  It’s the first Centurion who interests me the most for a couple of reasons. First” it seems he sends some elders of the Jews to make his case to Jesus.  As they describe it to Jesus he is a…

  • Bible Studies

    Luke 7-8

    1.  Three stories of faith…but faith is not always required. The Gadarene Demoniac: Luke 8:26-39 The widow with the dead son: Luke 7:11-17 Crippled Woman: Luke 13:10-13 But in these cases there are three expressions of faith. The faith of the centurion – Luke 7:1-10. This is a man who deserves a miracle for all the good he has done. I think he might have sent the lobbyists at first and then changed his mind. It is not unlike the story of Peter and Cornelius in Acts. His faith is based in humility and an understanding of the authority of Jesus. What’s surprising to me is Jesus’ response. He does…