• Bible Studies

    False Witness: Exodus 20:16

    There is probably more Scripture about lying than any other sin other than greed – and they do go hand in hand more often than not.  The first lie is in the Garden when Satan causes Eve to question the goodness of God.  In fact, in John 8:44 it says that Satan is the Father of Lies.  It is the one thing he does – the only thing he does in fact.  He lies. Scott Peck says that the source of all lies is fear and the primary motive of the cover-up is fear.   The central characteristic of the liar is the willingness to sacrifice everyone for their cover-up.…

  • Bible Studies


    A couple of things have happened this week that started me thinking about Caleb. The first was an email conversation with a young friend. In last week’s blog I had quoted a poem by Wendell Berry that said: “So, friends, every day do something that won’t compute. Love the Lord. Love the world. Work for nothing. Take all that you have and be poor. Love someone who does not deserve it.” My friend had coffee with one of his friends and part of the exchange sounded like, “That’s all well and good but not for those of us who live in the real world. Those options are not open to…

  • Fred's Blog

    Practice Resurrection

    Last week I attended the annual meeting of the Wedgwood Circle. Wedgwood seeks out and convenes people who are committed to creating and supporting art and entertainment that is “good, true and beautiful.” It’s hard work being an artist. Jack Kerouac said, “Genius gives birth, talent delivers.” It’s oftentimes discouraging and unrewarding work spending years turning inspiration and imagination into something tangible for others to appreciate or value. However, it is even harder if your desire is to create something not just commercially viable but also “good, true and beautiful for the common good.” Consider the odds just in getting your film into the Sundance Film Festival. Over 12,000 independent…

  • Bible Studies

    Do Not Covet

    So, here we are at the final commandmentry. Do not covet. The commandment has been used to describe a number of sins and faults and I would like to describe it this morning as the sin that comes at the end of a process – and not something that is sometimes spontaneous like murder or lying or even adultery. There is something about covetousness that reflects intentionality and meditation. In fact, as we’ll see when we look at Micah that is exactly how God describes it. But first let’s look at two things that are often described as coveting – but are not. Neither of these involve other people, really.…

  • Fred's Blog

    Up in Smoke

    Growing up Southern Baptist I have indelible memories of the Sunday School offering envelope used by the church. It was more than a tracking device for offerings. We were also graded by our teacher on bringing our Bible, preparing for the lesson, and attending church to hear the preaching afterwards. However, I don’t have any recollections of our asking the church about its own performance during the week. I remember hearing occasionally about attendance, baptisms and money – and that was pretty much the whole list. We gave our offering because we were supposed to give and had been taught to do so out of obedience, not unlike the Old…