• Talks

    Opening Talk – The Gathering 2006

    This has been an interesting year for all of us.  I’ve been giving it extra thought because of three events that happened all at once for me.  First, our daughter, Catherine, was married on July 8th to Terry Jaimes.  Since then, I’ve been trying to learn the wisdom of Ecclesiastes 3 about the season of life where you discover there is a time to embrace and a time to refrain.  We learn to let go after a marriage – or we should.  Second, I turned 60 the next morning.  While I blew right past 40 and 50, something was different about 60.  Some of you may have had the same…

  • Talks

    Introduction for Andy Crouch – The Gathering 2006

    In that same essay by Seneca that describes so well the ministry of Tim Keller, the writer says, “Everybody agrees that no one pursuit can be successfully followed by the man who is busied with many things – eloquence cannot, nor the liberal studies – since the mind, when its interests are divided, takes in nothing very deeply.” Unfortunately, Seneca never had the opportunity to meet Andy Crouch. Andy has so many pursuits – music, writing , speaking, leading worship, film – and does them all well. It’s impossible to nail down what he does best or to define him. Just when you think you have him in a category…

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